The W3XK 2532 is a stainless steel version with 3 coils from our heavy-duty spiral coupling range for use in harsh environments, in medical or food processing areas. It has a high radial spring stiffness. The product designation 2532 implicitly indicates the installation dimensions: 25 mm diameter, 32 mm installation length. Installation with clamping hubs.
Please also compare our aluminum versions with 3 coils.
We offer an even larger stainless steel version with 6 coils and 38 mm overall length W6XK 2538.
Ă˜95 ≙ Ă˜ 9,52mm/ Ă˜ 3/8
To download the step file, select the desired bore combination.
For specific advice on which of our couplings is suitable for you, we will be happy to assist you: